weaving - 假如日记与练习是一种日常的收集与练习,那么作品即是将线索编织在一起的空间。
when jenga pieces are about to collapse
yet one still tries to rebuild the structure from limited options to choose from
Two people conversing, each in their own monologue, each trying to take up the conversational space.
I heard you. I don't relate to your words.
Conversation is more than words. It involves listening, tone, eye contact, body language, use of pause for breathing, for addressing the existence of the others, for taking a moment to go to the next idea… When monologue dominates the conversational space, the speaker speaks to expect the listener wouldn’t interrupt in order to be seen under the spotlight.
Blanchot wrote, “We end up confining someone who speaks
without pause. He mentioned Hilter’s terrible monologues, of how
the words also reflect his enjoyment of “being the only one to
speak and, rejoicing in possession of his high solitary word,
imposes it without restraint as a superior and supreme speech
upon others”.
Animate Things:
Hotel Room Notepad - One night in Berlin: took the notepad to feel I spent the money well. I thought I might write a poem on it and slipped it into the folder where I kept the passport and papers for coming into the US. In July when I traveled to Europe, I saw the same untouched notepad. I took it out again with the intension to write something on a train ride.
Plant Migration - When Huiqi and I migrate overgrown plants into new pots, she said, she like adopting plants for friends, this way when she moves to a new place, she can give back to plants to the friends while retaining the memory of the plants.
110 Volt Blender - I bought a handheld blender in Tokyo once. I found it cute and small. It is rectangular, so ideal to put inside the cabinet like storing your cereal box. But it didn’t match the voltage in Shanghai. I left it inside the closet till I moved to New York five years later.
aporia - “a point of undecidability, which locates the site at which the text most obviously undermines its own rhetorical structure, dismantles, or deconstructs itself" (Derrida).
Alone Together——“合”字所承载的:同一个屋檐下,一张桌子、几个直角、几把椅子的故事。
One Hundred Years of Solitude began with Colonel Aurelio Buendia remembering the “distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice”. Being distant, meaning chronological distance from the present and great contrast from the present, thinking about how much the world has changed. On that afternoon, his father Jose Arcadio Buendia paid 30 reales to see a block of ice from the gypsies. Jose thought it was the most beautiful diamond he had ever seen. When Jose put his hands over the block for a few minute, he felt the ice was boiling, as he didn’t have the right word to describe the pain he felt from touching the ice with his bare hand.
That afternoon is unrepeatable. After that afternoon, the word ice becomes sign to its meaning, not verse versa. The idea of the cold winter is no longer abstract to the residents of the desert environment.
I apologize for being emotional. Again.
She weaves into the night time. She sleeps on her woven fabric, and continues weaving it the next day.
Notes on Obsession and The Babel Library
Possession of books:
owning a secret joy
reveal mysteries of mankind
Succession of hopefulness:
disproportional (precious books out of reach) depression
eliminate worthless books to find the book of cipher
How to get closer to the truth in pedagogical space?
哀悼通常发生在事后,它是带有纪念及终结意义的里程碑式事件。Sharpe的”Wake Theory“并非哀悼死者,而是提出直面灾难的持续性。”Wake“指向的是保持清醒,看见奴役船的变形可以是监狱、集中营、甚至学校。Sharpe引用Glissant的比喻,“This boat is your womb, a matrix, and yet it expels you. This boat: pregnant with as many dead as living under the sentence of death”。
Water is everywhere. It folds into the train engine and the birds chewink No one can take hold of it It is always contained And together, they morph
Music notes are everywhere. The rice grains rubbed against the metal meshes make a F sharp. Pouring water into the plastic jar makes a D verses an F made when pouring into a glass vessel.
Both New York and Shanghai are hyperactive cities. There is always something going on in every corner of the street, whether its the the blasting music and midi sound signals or car engines and conversations. Individual acoustic signals are obscured in an overly densed population of sounds.
sound of washing rice sound of opening a plastic bag sound of vegetable soaking in metal bowl sound of wiping the greasy tiles with a mob sound of rain bumming onto the fire escape stairs sound of plastic partition sound of car wheels rubbing against the rubbery road sound of metal door being slammed sound of ice-cream car's midi melody
My mentor to Readymade art is Fujiko F. Fujio's “Doraemon” manga series. In Doraemon, the original function of domestic objects are augmented, creating new profiles for the objects. My favorite 21st century invention from Doraemon is the Memory Toast. A piece of white toast is used as a printing plate to create a negative from any text, which is then memorized by the person who eats the toast/negative plate.